Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Funniest Videos In Youtube

This video-sharing website is the most popular social media network when it comes to uploading videos created by individuals to be seen world-wide. And this is "You Tube". It  has thousands of videos of all kinds. But the most frequently visited are the comedies or funny videos. This is the site where stressed and lonely people access to tickle their bones even just for a moment. To find out why, watch this videos.

Watching different videos on YouTube is a great past time for me. It really gives me a lot of different expressions from being happy up to becoming amazed.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Traditional Wedding Cakes Or Modern Wedding Cupcakes

Wedding receptions are dull if you do not see a wedding cake at the center of a wedding table. This was already a tradition that was adopted worldwide. But there are innovative couples who tried to make a wedding cake out of cupcakes. These are couples who want to cost-cut on their wedding expenses.

Traditional wedding cake are irreplaceable than with the modern wedding cake using customize cupcakes. But a cake made of cupcakes can be eye caching if it is properly designed and will match with the theme of the wedding. 

Having a wedding cake has been the standard practice for over a century. And it is not that easy to just let it go away. Discover here in this site why formal wedding cake is here to stay.